Floating Sessions Alpha
Floating Sessions Alpha
Included in each Session: 60 min Floating with introduction customizable according to several available selection with harmonic solfeggio and chromotherapy . Shower, Use of a personal Confort kit including bath rope, big bath towel and flip flop, 30 min of post floating lounge to enjoy your afterglow, Beverage/Tea, comfortable seating in our mini jungle.
Total time to be considered for each entrance: 90-120 min
Purchase Option Type:
1, 2, 3, 5 Floats pack
Only on appointment: check availability for your preferred day.
How to purchase your Floats
Once you have selected the product and populated the form, the product will be sent to the shopping "CART". Depending on if you use a desktop, a tabled or a smartphone you can locate the"CART" icon in the right up or right bottom corner of your screen.
Welcome to your Floating Experience
The practice of Floating or Sensory Deprivation Tank basically consists in the immersion of the body, for a controlled period of time, inside a tank duly isolated from external stimuli, containing water enriched with Epsom salt (sulphate of magnesium) and kept constantly at a temperature of 34.8°C.
The high concentration of salt, in addition to having a muscle relaxant function, allows the body to float in about 27 cm of saline solution without requiring any muscular effort, while maintaining the same temperature as that of the body allows the thermal stimulus to be canceled.
The unique egg-shaped construction of the tub creates an environment of sensory deprivation, external stimuli such as noise and light are left out, the boundaries expand, a new incredible experience begins. Even if the size and capacity of the tub (H = 1.5 m x L = 2.65 m x W = 1.65 m), are such as not to create any claustrophobic appeal in predisposed people, if preferred, the session can also take place with the tank open.
The absence of sensory stimuli leads to a deep psycho-physical relaxation inducing a state similar to half-sleep, but deeper also known as "Theta State". A feeling of peace is established, estranged from the world and sometimes even from one's body, comparable to what one wants to achieve with meditation or yoga.
At the beginning of the Floating session, a soft multicolored LED light and relaxing music of your choice will keep you company, destined to gradually fade away.
After about half an hour of suspension in the liquid, in the complete absence of stimuli, with the musculoskeletal structure no longer burdened by the need to maintain a correct gravitational buoyancy, one begins to feel the first signs that something unusual is happening to the body . The perception of bodily boundaries generally decreases until it vanishes, causing the person inside the tub to "free" himself from the awareness of possessing a body that limits and confines him to some extent.
The feeling of deep relaxation induced by this state induces what is called the "parasympathetic response". The whole body finds itself weakened by the constant commitment to monitor body temperature and gravitational balance (a commitment that normally occupies 90% of our resources), and begins to produce substances rich in beneficial effects such as endorphins. After an hour of permanence in this state, all bodily tensions have been eliminated, and even the previously accumulated psychological stress is largely disposed of. The brain and the entire nervous system are oriented towards a deep state of relaxation which reproduces the correct balance between body and mind.
In the deep relaxation phase, reachable through Floating, commonly called the Theta phase (from the name of the type of brain waves produced by the brain on this occasion), the mind is free to access a whole series of resources that it does not normally use and which are intimately linked to the sphere of creativity and intuition. The Theta phase is commonly associated with that state of trance, which Buddhist monks are able to access during meditation and which requires, in addition to innate abilities, constant and intense training to be achieved.
As the end of the 60-minute Floating session approaches, the music and lights will gradually reappear, to lead you towards awakening at the end of your experience.v
- NO Hair Dyes more recent than 7 days: in same cases color dyes ued the colourate hair can bleed out of be affected by the high concentration of Epsom Salt- Be sure you have gone thought at lease 2 shampoo before to come to your floating session
- NO Menstruation on going. If you have your period or you are close to it you cannot Float.
- NO Shaving for men at lease 8 hurs prior to your floating, for women at lease 24 hours since you could be very uncomfortable in the first 15 min of you floating due to the salt stinging on your sensitized skin.
- NO Open Wounds or fresh tattoo can sting a lot becasue of the salt concentration, in case you are requested to bring vaseline to cover big ones since for small ones you can find patches here.
- DO NOT Drink coffe, tea, or any other coffein or taurin source within 4 hour prior to your floating session since this may slow down you relaxation process keeping too much aware of your body.
- NO Too Empty or Too Full Stomach: eat something highly digestible 1-2 hour prior to your floating session. If your stomach is empty will release strange uncomfortable and uncontrollable noise which may distract you to much from letting go.
- NO Full or Partially Closed Nose: if you are going trough a flu or a cold and your nose is full or partially closed it is a good idea to free aerial path using specific product at least 20 min prior to your session.
Please refer to our FAQ for more answer to your questions
Clients are requested to keep cell phones on silent mode and try not to make noise so as not to disturb the tranquility of their guests.
Access to the equipment is not permitted for children under the age of 17.
Smoking is not permitted within the entire area.
Our customers have declared that they fill out the form on the first appointment and inform the reception of any problems relating to their health.
The treatment is NOT allowed in the presence of the following pathologies:
- Severe renal, cardiac and respiratory insufficiency
- Severe changes in blood pressure outside drug coverage
- Epilepsy out of drug coverage
Jewelery and valuables can be kept in special safety deposit boxes or in the lockers located in the changing rooms.
The Management does not assume responsibility for the loss of money or valuables.
Float & Co Srl will not be held responsible in the event of damage or accidents to guests within its structure.
The treatments are only on appointment: check availability before execute the purchase.
Since the treatments are carried out upon reservation, cancellations are accepted if received within 24 hours prior to the time agreed for the appointment.
If the guest does not show up for the appointment or does not respect the cancellation terms, the treatment will be considered as completed.
Float & Co Srl Management